To the editors:
We are writing in response to the editorial of March 17 concerning the application of Reverend H. Bowen Woodruff, Vicar of the Anglican Church of the Incarnation, to join the United Ministry at Harvard (“Let the Province In”).
Woodruff submitted an application that failed by the standards identified in the United Ministry’s by-laws. This was communicated to him verbally, as was the fact that at the time of his application, the United Ministry had established a moratorium on new memberships until it could complete a revision of its by-laws.
It should be noted that another application recieved at that time was indeed found to be complete and was accepted to membership in the United Ministry when the moratorium on new memberships was lifted.
We appreciate The Crimson’s interest in the work of the United Ministry and hope to see more of its efforts focused on the excellent work being done by the wide range of student religious groups at Harvard.
March 22, 2004
The writers are chairman of the membership committee and president of the United Ministry at Harvard, respectively.
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