An undefeated Crimson freshman tennis teamadded another win to its record yesterday with victories over Exeter for both its A and B teams.
The A team fell prey to weak doubles matches but won a close contest, 5-4. The Yardlings lost two of its three paired matches but proved strong in singles by wining four of six contests.
Number one man John Thornton led a singles barrage that saw only one decisive Crimson loss. Number two man Jim Levy scored a three-set victory over his opponent while fifth and sixth men, Jeff Wiegand and Bill Cole, posted decisive wins in their matches.
Jim Levy and Dave Chase provided the only solace for a poor doubles day as they won their second-ranked match.
The Crimson's B team split its singles matches, 3-3, but came through with strong doubles teams in a 6-3 victory.
Yesterday's victory brought the freshmen's record to 5-0. Coach Corey Wynn said last night about the win, "It was a fine team effort. Those that couldn't make it in the singles came through for us in the doubles when it counted."
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