
WRUL Gets Further Harvard Cooperation

Harvard University's cooperation with Station WRUL has always been considerable, but it will be expected even further during the coming months, according to the current issue of the Alumni Bulletin.

The newly-created Radio Board of the University has arranged a series of programs conducted by Faculty members whose purpose it will be to show the "interdependence of the United Nations and the mutual effects of their effort for victory over the Axis powers.

The program will be broadcast from Boston on Fridays at 7:30, and will be rebroadcast on Sundays at a time to be announced later. By means of WRUL's powerful transmitters, Harvard's faculty members can be heard by people all over the world.

By setting up listening clubs among Harvard alumni in this country, the Radio Board hopes to develop a national as well as an international audience. The broadcasts can be heard on three wavelengths--6.05 megacycles on the 49-metre band, 9.70 on the 31, and 11.75 on the 25.
