

Varsity Nine Will Play This Morning

Weather conditions, the details of which seem to come under the classification of a military secret, cancelled the Harvard-Dartmouth doubleheader scheduled for yesterday at Hanover. The team has remained in the New Hampshire backwoods, however, and will tackle the Indians this morning at 10:30 o'clock.

No changes in the starting Crimson line-up were received in Cambridge, but it is anticipated that the extra day of rest might improve the chances of Ned Fitzgibbons' participation this morning. Captain Lou Clay had been expected to start at first base in place of the ailing regular.

Pitching Problem Tougher

Although affording the Crimson pitchers a longer recovery period from the Cornell twin bill of last Saturday, it will double the difficulties of selecting a hurler to oppose League-leading Princeton this weekend. Whoever holds the mound today cannot easily be rested enough to pitch again by Saturday.

The Varsity will probably take an afternoon train back to Boston after the two seven-innings encounters. That will still only leave Floyd Stahl and his crew one day of practice before attempting to revenge the thumping Princeton gave the Crimson last month.


Only Eastern collegiate ball game played yesterday was Army's win over Yale, 6-4, at New Haven. The Cadets, who beat Harvard earlier in the season, clouted the Eli relief hurlers after Ted Harrison was removed in the fourth. Harrison seemed sure of a victory, having worked up a 4-2 lead before being yanked.

Army collected twice as many hits as did the home squad including a homer off the bat of catcher Buck Stahle. Yale's Whelan also hit for a circuit. The Crimson Varsity meets the Eli in a rapid-fire home and home series at the end of the month.
