
Two Baccalaureate Sermons Hearten Present Generation

President W. H. P. Faunce Tells Brown Graduating Class of Modern Changes

The problems of the present generation as opposed to those of the past generation were the common subjects of two baccalaureate addresses last Sunday to the graduating classes of Cornell and Brown Universities.

The Reverend C. R. Brown, D.D., Dean of the Yale Divinity School, spoke at Cornell, while at Brown, the baccalaureate address was given by President W. H. P. Faunce.

Dr. Brown chose for his text the words of God to Moses, commanding him to prepare for Mt. Sinai on the morrow.

"The day of judgment" Dr. Brown said, "is not a far away event in the future. Every day is judgment day. Each morning passes sentence on the night before."

Therefore, he urged the graduates to conserve their energies of mind and body alike to be ready for each tomorrow.


He called on them to be ready for opportunity, saying that "the rewards, of competition and character were never so great as they are today. But at the same time the twentieth century is more exacting in its requirements than any period in history."

Face Crisis in History

Dr. Brown then said: "Caps and gowns have their significance and impressiveness, but remember that the greater part of the world's work is being done by men and women in their shirt sleeves, or what corresponds to their shirt sleeves in their particular profession.

"You are no different from students on any campus in the country. There are some who come to college under their own steam. There are others who were sent to college. These latter people have been exposed to learning, but it never took. Many of them pass, as we call it, and leave college no better educated than when they entered. The difference between those who come and those who were sent is as between chalk and cheese.

"The problems brought by the war utter the same summons to all of us. This are is one of the crises of history. Future generations will see its importance more clearly than we do. A certain measured peace has been obtained. Now we must attain spiritual peace in the world. The problems resulting from the war are so vast, so intricate as to well nigh stagger the civilization which has to cope with them.

World Is Torn to Pieces

"But what great days to be alive in, to be alive and young. The whole world has been torn to pieces and must be rebuilt. It is a time of social rebuilding. The very sight of the opportunity is enough to waken laggards and parasites. Sinai is in sight. Mental and moral preparedness are imperative.

"The solving of problems in government, education, religion, and society can not be done with the emotions or with eloquent outbursts of feeling, but must be done by competent, fit men and women if industry is to be humanized, if education is to train the spirit, if Democracy is not to go down in defeat, we need not merely conspicuous statesmen and leaders, but ranks upon ranks of common people in every community with mental and moral preparedness.

Not Over, Over There

"It isn't over, over there, and it isn't over, over here. The problem remaining involves the old struggle of the exploited against the exploiters. Against those who have fallen into the disgraceful habit of eating bread won by the sweat of other men's brows, a voice is calling out to be ready to give the best you have to the highest you see, which is the very essence of religion."
