

Public Admitted to Gallery of Chapel--Class Hymn Will Be Sung for First Time--Reception to Follow

Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock Commencement Week is officially inaugurated with the Baccalaureate Sunday Services. Dr. Samuel Smith Drury '01, headmaster of St. Paul's School at Concord, N. H., will assist President Lowell in conducting the services, which are to be held in Appleton Chapel.

Dr. Drury, who is an Overseer of the University, graduated from Harvard in 1901. He is returning to Cambridge for the twenty-fifth reunion of his class.

Following the Baccalaureate Service for the Seniors at 4 o'clock, Dr. Drury will also conduct the service for the class of 1901, in Appleton Chapel at 5 o'clock.

Seniors Circle Yard in March

As Baccalaureate Sunday is the opening event of Harvard's Class Day Week, attendance by Seniors is practically obligatory. With the first tolling of the bell at Appleton Chapel at 3.30 o'clock tomorrow members of the class, clad in caps and gowns will assemble in from of Holworthy Hall. Shorty before 1 o'clock the class will circle the Yard and enter Appleton Chapel.


The floor of Appleton Chapel will be reserved for the Senior class, but the galleries are available for the public. The doors of the Chapel will be opened to the public, and the public will be admitted up to the capacity of the gallery.

The Baccalaureate Sermon will be given as in the past, by President Lowell. The remaining features of the service will be conducted by Dr. Drury. At this service the Class Hymn will be sung for the first time. This hymn is written in competition by members of the Senior class. The name of the winner and his hymn, will be announced by the Class Day Committee tonight.

Following the service, the members of the class will march to the President's House on Quincy Street, where a reception will be held by President and Mrs. Lowell.
