The Senior Spread Committee announced last night the box list for the entertainment on Monday night. Changes may be made by communication with H. R. Jones '26 at Grays 22, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock this morning and 1 and 3 o'clock this afternoon. It was further announced that Mrs. Edward R. Nash would serve as head patroness.
The seating for boxes and tables for the Spread is as follows:
Box 1. R. E. Northop, Dorothy Kay; C. H. Mowen, Doris Russell; F. F. Stone Helen Walsh.
Box 2. Donald C. McGilvray, Gertrude McGlinchey; Richard Keene, Gwendoline Keene; Daniel Salazar, Clara Swain; Clyde F. Smith, Catharine Gould.
Box 3. W. C. McFerran, Agnes A. Hearn; R. W. Lishman, Margaret Lang; H. H. Rapp. Florence M. Lang; A. G. Rogers, Gwendolyn Rogers.
Box 4. J. H. Gebelein Irma Packard; D. G. Casto, Fdna Appleby; C. W. Gillies, Marjorie Sullivan; H. N. Wagar, Virginia Ziegler.
Box 5. F. E. Dennelly, Beatrice Sexton; A. P. DeWeese, Celeste Callaghan; H. Kiss, Jr.; F. B. Lough, Marion Delay.
Box 6--G. P. Carver, Jr., Garner Harrig Edward H. Ober, Ethel Whitford; Oscar M. Shaw Margaret Pickering.
Box 7--E. E. Long, Margaret Cook; L. J. Daniels, Doris Savage; E. A. Harding Althea Hayes; R. S. Hodgins, Primpose Mason.
Box 8--R. W. Cushman, Nancy Fiske; Phillips Boyd, Frances Anderson; Frank L. Wattendori, Dorothy Stetson; Paul R. Wendt, Edna Wilson.
Box 9--Daniel S. Harrison, Shirley Brown; Arthur Rubin, Helen Davis: Berhard Henick.
Box 10--Paul E. Berglund, Joyce E. Hawley; Armand Phaneuf, Katherine Hannefin; William P. Mogey, Elizabeth Altman; Daul Altman, Sherry Hawkins.
Box 11--Peppino Porfilio; Almira Van Gieson; C. H. Day, Estelle Smith; A. R. Parker Partner.
Box 12--H. J. Williams Margaret Watson; F. N. Johnston, Sylvia Watson; S. W. Whiting, Chrystine Lane; Bourne Layne, Betty Lee Snyder P. C. Murfitt, Betgina Blodgett.
Box 13--A. M. Brues, Alice Brues; G. P. Norris, Anna Golden; E. J. Golden, Marie L. Hohman; R. A. Ferrara, Ariel Perham; Paul Keough, Ruth McLean: A. F. Sereque, Claire Kylie; H. S. Rosenblum Ruth Burns W. C. Sawin, Katherine Brassil.
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ARRANGEMENT OF BOXES FOR 1923 DANCE GIVENAt a meeting of the box chairmen held yesterday afternoon members of the Junior Dance Committee gave out final instructions
Notices.FRESHMAN nine be in Gymnasium at two o'clock promptly ready to go on the field. LOST-On Jarvis Field, Wednesday afternoon,
No HeadlineAll notices and communications for the HERALD should be left in the box at Drury's before 4 o'clock P. M.
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