To the editors:
In response to the editorial regarding Adams House dining hall restrictions and the varying quality of food in Houses (Staff Ed, “Vanity Fare,” March 11), the thought occurred to me: Harvard students need to shut the crap up and stop whining. Seriously. Sure, it’s a tough life walking down a line full of hot food, eating at your leisure amongst friends and then leaving your plate to be cleaned up after you. Is that seven-minute walk to Mather or Annenberg for lunch just killing you? Is the lettuce too soggy at dinner? Are 10 cereal choices just not enough for you anymore? Shut the crap up. We need to start focusing on all that we do have and stop complaining about what we don’t. Something’s amiss when millions of people can’t find clean water or adequately feed their families, and we whine about our dining halls.
Bram J. Levy ’04
March 11, 2004
The writer is a resident of Dunster House.
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