
One Moore Joins Race

Council outsider joins two others to run for Undergraduate Council

Three candidates will be on the ballot for Undergraduate Council president this year, after an unexpected last minute entry yesterday.

Student Affairs Committe (SAC) Chair Matthew J. Glazer ’06 and Finance Committee (FiCom) Chair Teo P. Nicolais ’06, the long-expected contenders for the Council presidency, will be joined by council outsider Tracy T. Moore II ’06.

Moore, who is the vice president of the Black Men’s Forum (BMF), said that having been an active member in many different student groups will allow him to reach out to the student body as council president.

“At worst I am worthy of extensive consideration, and at best, president,” Moore said.

Moore will be joined by running mate Ian W. Nichols ’06, who is a third-year council veteran and vice-chair of FiCom. Nichols had previously considered running for president himself before joining Moore’s ticket.


Glazer will be running with council treasurer Clay T. Capp ’06 and Nicolais has chosen FiCom member Samita A. Mannapperuma ’06.

Glazer said he doesn’t know Moore, but is excited to debate both him and Nicolais.

“We’re very excited to debate the issues with the other candidates, and we want people to realize that this is their community, school and home,” Glazer said.

Candidates are not allowed to discuss their platforms except for media comments until campaigning officially begins on Nov. 29.

Nicolais and Mannapperuma said they are planning to begin campaigning at 12:01 a.m. on the nose.

“We’re going to see more active campaigning this year than any other year,” Nicolais said. “The level of student involvement will be very high.”

Chair of the Election Commission Jonathan D. Einkauf ’06 said that the debates will most likely be held on the Thursday of election week. Voting begins at noon on Dec. 6 and ends at midnight on Dec. 9.

“I’m optimistic that the job of the Election Commission will be less intensive than it was in previous years,” Einkauf said. The Commission creates and enforces campaign rules and punishes candidates’ transgressions by removing cash from their campaign budgets.

Current Council President Matthew W. Mahan ’05, said that council experience is crucial to being president, but that all three tickets seem like strong contenders. Mahan said he will most likely endorse a ticket after he has heard all of the candidates’ platforms.

While Moore lacks the council experience of Glazer and Nicolais he has garnered the endorsement and support of Aaron S. Byrd ’05, who challenged Mahan for the presidency last year.

“I think the campus needs to be shaken up a little bit, and he definitely brings a candid and fresh approach,” Byrd said.

Moore has also received support and campaign advice from former council president Rohit Chopra ’04.

“He definitely was consulting with us on the campaign,” Byrd said.
