Harvard Square Bestsellers
Hardcover Fiction
1. The Plot Against America
Philip Roth
2. Blinkings With Fists
Billy Corgan
3. The Dark Tower
Stephen King
4. Snow
Orhan Pamuk
5. War Trash
Ha Jin
6. Trace
Patricia Cornwell
7. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
Susanna Clarke
8. The Darling
Russell Banks
9. The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown
10. The Sunday Philosophy Club
Alexander McCall Smith
11. The System of the World
Neal Stephenson
Hardcover Non-fiction
1. America: The Book
Jon Stewart
2. Chronicles
Bob Dylan
3. How to Talk to a Liberal
Ann Coulter
4. Exuberance: The Passion for Life
Kay Redfield Jamison
5. Will in the World
Stephen Greenblatt
6. Unfit for Command
John E. O’Neill and Jerone R. Corsi
7. Crusade
James Carroll
8. Will They Ever Trust us Again?
Michael Moore
9. The Annotated Brothers Grimm
Maria Tatar
10. Chain of Command
Seymour Hersh
11. In the Shadow of No Towers
Art Spiegelman
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