
M. Swimming Makes a Splash On MTV’s TRL

The Harvard men’s swimming team members were fish out of water when they found themselves on stage during MTV’s Total Request Live video countdown show last Friday.

The Crimson had gathered among the usual crowd of teenyboppers and star-struck fans who wave to TRL cameras from the streets of New York City with the hopes of being invited inside to the live set.

Dressed in business suits, the Crimson swimmers were quite conspicuous among the fans and attracted attention from the co-hosts Hilarie Burton, Vanessa Minnillo and Damien Fahey.

“I’ve noticed out here we have a bunch of guys,” Fahey said. “I don’t know if this is an accounting class or something, if they took a field trip or more people running for the governor of California. All these guys in suits out here. You guys in suits want to come in?”

The team quickly accepted the offer, and directors of the show escourted the men upstairs.


Upon entering the set, the swimmers were beseiged by the two female co-hosts.

“Damien, I don’t know about you, but Hilarie and I have literally just died and gone to heaven,” Minnillo said.

“It’s true. I am in a man mecca right now. A manwich,” said Burton.

When asked why he and his teammates were outside among the TRL faithful, senior Rassan Grant explained that the team was visiting the city for an alumni dinner that night at the Harvard Club in New York.

“I was a little nervous, because TRL is a big show,” Grant said afterward.

Fahey’s announcement that the studio was giving the team members a makeover did nothing to ease his nerves.

“We’re thinking speedos and wife beaters,” Burton said.

The team was escorted backstage, where street clothes were distributed haphazardly with clothes thrown at random at the swimmers.

“It was fun because it was improvised and happened so quickly,” Grant said.

Long-time MTV host John Norris came on stage next and joked that “Harvard guys intimidate me.” While waiting for the team to change, the two hostesses burned with anticipation.

