

More Reading, Less Everything Else


It has been nearly a week since the last day of classes heralded off the semester into spring reading period, but Dartboard has done little reading. Instead she’s been feverishly typing away at her 50 pages of papers (that’s plural, because she has three) AND attending required classes for her foreign language elective and her concentration course. All the required end-of-the-year research papers, oral presentations and classes have left Dartboard hard pressed for study time. And by hard pressed Dartboard means zero.

Blame it on her course selection, some pro-“reading” period proponents may say. But hoards of Dartboard’s comrades with course selections ranging from the embarrassingly non-demanding to the gruelingly severe are facing the same problems. Some have finals mid-reading period. Others have a multitude of papers due reaching triple digit levels in page-count. Still others have a required class, lab or section. Sadly all the preparation, typing and attendance amounts to chunks of valuable time wasted on requirement tasks other than studying for final exams. It also makes for increased stress levels, reduced sleep levels and little to no enjoyment of May’s finest days.

Reading period is not yet over but dilapidated Dartboard has a message for professors preparing for next semester’s courses: keep your sleep, food and, most importantly, given the gorgeous weather, sunlight-deprived students in mind. Final exam, final paper, final classes. It’s May, so pick one.



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