

Examinations begin at 9.15 A. M., except those announced for 2 P. M., and will not extend beyond three hours. Daily exercises in all courses end on Wednesday, January 25, 1922.

Dates for the mid-year examinations in the Engineering School, which are supplementary to those conducted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, are also given below. Examinations, the places of which will be announced later, will start, at 9.15 o'clock except any that may be scheduled for 2 o'clock, and will not extend over three hours.

Daily exercises will be held in all courses through January 25, except Engineering 55, 120, and 220, which end Wednesday, February 1. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. (VII) Botany 2  Botan, Mus. $9 Chemistry 4  Sever 5, 6 Chemistry 34  Sever 6 Economics 11  Sever 17, 18 Fine Arts 4b  Fogg small rm. French 4  Sever 29, 30 French 11 hf.  Emerson J German F  Emerson D Government 6  Sever 30


As for the acting first honors go to Mr. Gilbert in the role of the crook. It was not an easy part to handle, and he did it well. Mr. Kent and Mr. Bosworth, as the priest and the young lover, were very satisfactory. The part of the villian handicapped Mr. Charlton Miss Miller outshone the others as the emotional Betty Eustis, and entered freely into her character. The play is not the best thing that the St. James has shown, but it is far from being the worst
