
Leverett Library Celebrates Works from SCR Members

Leverett students now have a whole new reason to head for their in-house library: house pride.

While most Harvard upperclass students don’t even know who is affiliated with their Senior Common Room (SCR), Leverett House students can now browse a 200-volume collection featuring the works of SCR members.

At an opening ceremony featuring champagne and harpsichord music, 50 people gathered in the library last night to hear contributors speak about the new collection and read excerpts from their works.

The collection is Leverett Co-Master Ann Georgi’s brainchild.

She got the idea after reading the memoirs of Caroline Erskine Andrews. the late wife of a past Leverett Master.


“It was a marvelous book,” Georgi said. “I read it, and I wished I could have known about this while she was alive.”

Georgi said that she hopes for the collection to keep growing and serve as a means for students to find common ground with members of their SCR.

“This library is more than a collection of books or a place to study,” said House Tutor Chip Robinson. “It’s a link to the living authors.”

Speaking at the opening, Robinson entreated students to take advantage of the opportunity to contact the authors whose works are part of the collection.

The collection contains almost 200 volumes, including the complete Library of America series, donated by D. Ronald Daniel, Harvard University Treasurer.

The works range from fiction and medical essays to a classical music album by faculty members, scholars, and other affiliates of the house’s SCR.

“The collection is another great way to make contact,” says A. Justina Hierta ’04, “I think it’s a really good idea.”

Members of the Leverett House junior and senior common rooms have other opportunities to make contact with students at weekly sherry hours in the Leverett senior common room as well as monthly lunches.

“Our goal has been to show off the wealth of knowledge available to members of the House,” student library coordinator Cody Corliss ’03 said.

“It’s fun, sometimes you don’t realize all the neat things people have done.”

Corliss not only helped in the coordination of the collection, he also used his calligraphy skills to personally inscribe the names of the authors on each of the book plates.

An online database, accessible through the Leverett House website, provides a list of the works in the collection and contact information for the authors, including links to their facebook pages.
