

Instructors in the University will meet their advisees today for conferences on the lists of studies to be chosen by the students. The following is a directory of instructors, together with the times and places at which each will meet his advisees. Addresses followed by an asterisk (*) are in Boston; all others are in Cambridge:

Prof. L Allard, 12-12.30, Sever 21.

Dr. F. H. Allport, 9 12, 3.30-5.30, Emerson 16.

Prof. W. R. Arnold, 2.30-4.30, 17 Francis ave.

Mr. R. Arratia, 10-11, 2-3.30, Grays 32.


Prof. W. W. Atwood, 9-1, 2-5, Univ. Mus. 41

Prof. I. Babbitt, 2.30-3.30, Wid. 175.

Mr. E. Ballantine, 3.30-4.30, Mus. Bldg.

Dr. I. A. Barnett, 10-11, Sever 22; 2-3 Wid. 572.

Dr. P. F. Baum, 9-1, 2-5, Wid. 184.

Prof. G. P. Baxter, 12-1, Coolidge 8.

Mr. W. A. Berridge, 9-12, 1.30-5, Wadsworth House.

Prof. H. C. Bierwirth, 11-12, Sever 15; 3.30, Sever 1.

Prof. G. D. Birkhoff, 9-11, Wid 571.

Mr. W. A. Boughton, 9-11, 2-3, Boylston 10a.
