

Nominations for officers of the Junior and Sophomore classes must be made before 6 o'clock tonight by petition signed by thirty-five members of the respective classes. Petitions from the Junior class should be handed to G. F. Plimpton, Dunster 15, and from the Sophomore class to W. H. Claflin, Jr., Apthorp House 1.

The elections of both the Junior and Sophomore classes will be held next Monday between 8.45 and 5.30 o'clock in the Lodge at the class of '77 Gate. All men entering with the classes of 1914 and 1915 are eligible to vote for Junior and Sophomore officers respectively.

The officers to be chosen are president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer of the respective classes. Besides these, seven men from the Junior class, and five men from the Sophomore class are to be elected to the Student Council.

Junior Nominations.

W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, of Newburyport, has been nominated for vice-president, and R. L. West '14, of Millis, and L. Saltonstall '14, of Chestnut Hill, for secretary-treasurer, of the Junior class.


Complete List of Nominations to Date.

The complete list of nominations for officers of the Sophomore and Junior classes so far is as follows:

1914.--For president: H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., of Honolulu, Hawaii; D. J. P. Wingate, of Winchester, Mass.

For vice-president: W. A. Barron, Jr., of Newburyport; E. P. Coleman, Jr., of Como, Miss.; Q. Reynolds, of Montclair, N. J.

For secretary-treasurer: R. St. B. Boyd, of Dedham, Mass.; S. P. Clark, of Chestnut Hill, Pa.; L. Saltonstall, of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; R. L. West, of Millis.

1915.--For president: E. R. Roberts, of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; J. C. Talbot, of Milton, Mass.; W. H. Trumbull, of Salem, Mass.

For vice-president: W. B. Pirnie, of Springfield. Mass.; H. St.J. Smith, of South Portland, Mc.

For secretary-treasurer: J. S. Fleek, of Newark, O.; H. Francke, of Cambridge, Mass.; T. K. Richards, of Spokane, Wash.

Additional nominations, changes or corrections in procedure, and fuller details in general will appear in Monday morning's CRIMSON.

Preferential Voting Will be Used.

The section of the Class Constitution governing the elections of officers of the three lower classes is printed below for the benefit of the voters in the elections.

"Article III, Section 7.--The following system of preferential voting shall be used in all class elections:

On the ballot shall be printed alphabetically the names of all candidates nominated as provided for under Section 5 of Article III. A voter shall place a number, designating his order of preference, after the name of each nominee, and if any name is not marked on a ballot, that ballot shall be invalid. If any nominee shall receive a majority of first choices, he shall be declared elected; if no nominee receives such a majority, the second choices shall be added to the first and if any nominee shall have a majority of first and second choices added together, he shall be declared elected. Failing such a majority, the third choices, if there be three or more nominees, shall be added to the first and second and the nominee receiving a plurality on this count shall be declared elected. And if there be a tie, a new election shall be held unless there are more than three nominees, in which case the next series of choices shall be added, and so on successively, until a nominee receives a plurality or the number of series of choices shall have been exhausted, in which case a new election shall be held.

A majority shall be more than half of the number of ballots cast, in the case of a count of first choices and more than the whole number of ballots cast, in the case of adding first and second choices, and so on, invalid ballots being in all cases excluded."

P. M. Hollister '13 has been elected this of the Lampoon in place of R. C. Evarts '13
