

Arts Review Slanted, Negative And Unfair

Letters to the Editors

To the editors:

Crimson reviewer Eugenia B. Schraa’s unprofessional review of the Harvard student performance Forte! reads like someone who didn’t want to be there (Arts, “Arts Do Not Prove Summers’ ‘Forte,’” Oct. 27). Her review insulted all but one artist and made rude and unfounded suppositions and characterizations as well of the audience, the producers, and staff. Perhaps she only slighted the opening first-year student performers because she doesn’t like Scottish traditional music or doesn’t believe it is worth presenting alongside classical music, but The Crimson needs to find a more rounded reviewer if it expects to be viewed credibly.

As a parent of a Harvard first-year, I was at the Forte! presentation, not dragging any first-year or vice versa. I saw no others being dragged, but did see first years who made sure to get tickets for their parents for this sold-out event. We heard many positive conversations about the program at the crowded reception that followed, including of the Scottish duo, the film clips and performance pieces.

Reviewers should play a constructive not destructive role. This review was just Schraa spewing forth a negative attitude from beginning to end. If The Crimson wants to have an excuse for an attack on University President Lawrence H. Summers, next time do it directly and leave the volunteer student artists and arts staff who generously offered their time and effort out of it.

Gary Newman


Fairbanks, Ala.

Oct. 28, 2003
