

Sticking Up for Charles Montgomery Burns

Letter to the Editors

To the editors:

I congratulate your Fifteen Minutes reporters for their superb piece on Yale social life (“The Cult of Yale,” Nov. 20). Rarely has any publication—on this campus or any other—so perfectly captured what defines the social scene of which we Yalies are so proud.

However, I hasten to point out one grievous error of transposition. In your third to final paragraph, you mistakenly refer to Yale’s esteemed graduate, Charles Montgomery Burns (more commonly known as C. Montgomery Burns) as “Montgomery C. Burns.” As the president of Yale’s only official student organization dedicated to his life and work, I could not let this error go uncorrected.

Matthew F. Ferraro

New Haven, Conn.


Nov. 21, 2003

The writer is a senior at Yale University and the founder and president of the C. Montgomery Burns Society.
