“I think Harvard will win because Harvard players are a lot smarter and better looking.”
Vikings pro bowl center Matt Birk ’98
“I’m rooting for Harvard because they gave me a wonderful reception when I visited for Hardball.”
Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) and Democratic presidential candidate.
“Yale 24, Harvard 17. One word explanation: merit.”
Theo Epstein, Boston Red Sox GM
“Yale’s going to be able to roll on this one.”
Andrew Robinton and Joe Falencki, Sports Editors from The Daily Princetonian
“May the team comprised of the better men win.”
Al Franken ’73
“Yale’s offense will prove too much for Harvard, 34-14.”
Richard Levin, PhD ‘74, President of Yale
“I’ll predict that the one who beat us [Holy Cross, where Mathews was an undergrad] worse will win.”
Chris Mathews, Host of MSNBC’s Hardball and KSG Fellow in Fall of 2002. Harvard beat Holy Cross 43-23 on Sept. 20, and Yale beat the Crusaders 41-16 on Oct. 4.
“Absolutely not.”
Tim Murphy, Harvard football coach, when asked whether he would predict the outcome.
“The greatest sports day during my years at Harvard was when we beat Yale 29-29 and it was my birthday to boot. So I always believe that Harvard is going to win!”
Sen. Charles E. Schumer ‘71 (D-NY)
“I’m going to take Harvard because I think that Yale has a Bush curse on it.”
Rev. Al Sharpton, Democratic Presidential Candidate
“Veritas will be Victorious!”
University President Lawrence H. Summers
“I recall a big MIT victory in ‘82—one can only hope history repeats itself.”
Senator John E. Sununu MBA ‘91, in reference to the infamous prank the Engineers pulled. Sununu received a bachelors and a Masters degree from MIT in mechanical engineering.
“The Game will be interrupted. Lava will fall from the sky.”
Conan O’Brien ’85
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