fri, oct 17
FILM | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
The Undergraduate Council continues their Friday-night screenings of recent Hollywood blockbusters with this entertaining, slapdash Disney amusement-park gem. Go to drool over Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightley—or Johnny Depp with eyeliner, who steals the entire show. 8 p.m., $3, students $1. Science Center B. (TIH)
DANCE | Undercurrents
The latest presentation of the 18-year-old Jose Mateo’s Ballet Theatre. In it, lead couple Elizabeth Scherban Shinzawa and Parren Ballard take Mateo’s trademark vertical choreography to the next level with even more leaps and lifts. Fri.-Sat. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 4 p.m., and Thurs. at 8 p.m. through October 26, $28; at the Sanctuary Theatre, 400 Harvard St., Cambridge. (AJB)
DANCE | Rennie Harris
Rennie Harris/Facing Mekka is hip hop theatre at its best. Harris’ raw dance talent, honed on the streets of North Philadelphia, is displayed with 11 dancers, four live musicians, a DJ and a video montage. The piece puts hip hop in a global context to celebrate dance as a universal language. Fri. at 7 p.m., Sat. at 8 p.m., and Sun. at 2 p.m. $25-$45; the Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St., Boston. (AJB)
DANCE | Seidman Says Dance
“Body Languages,” a Seidman presentation, is composed of eight separate works. It features modern dance works by Boston/Vermont-based choreographer Susan Seidman, as well as works and premieres by guest choreographers Susan Barnard of New Hampshire, and Boston yoga-dance artist Stefani Reitter. Fri.-Sat. at 8 p.m. $15, $12 for students, seniors; Green Street Studios, 185 Green St., Cambridge. (AJB)
MUSIC | Interpol with Elefant and the Occasion
Interpol’s full length debut, Turn on the Bright Lights, has catapulted them from an underground New York City phenomenon to the national stage. Catch them with Elefant, another New York act, and the Occasion before they get too famous. 7 p.m., $20 general admission, 18+. Avalon, 15 Lansdowne St., Boston. (AJB)
MUSIC| The Coffeehouse
Organized by Women In Color, the event will bring themes such as gender, race, class and sexuality together with riveting art and entertainment. Student performers include new band Forced Premise (comprised of four Lampoon dudes) and singer-songwriters Liz Carlisle and Juliet Girard, as well as a spate of spoken word artists. Promises to be a funky and liberating show, with complementary coffee and donuts. 8 p.m. Friday. $3 door. Winthrop JCR. (RJK)
MUSIC | DJ Sammy
Hailing from Spain, DJ Sammy has crossed the pond for Avalon’s Friday Avaland spectacle. As a DJ and music producer in Europe for over 15 years, he is best known in the United States as the producer of “Heaven” and “Boys of Summer.” 10 p.m., $20 cover, 19+. Avalon, 15 Lansdowne St., Boston. (AJB)
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