

Currie's Column Gives Heart to Cuba Activists

Letters to the Editors

To the editors:

I want to congratulate and thank Duncan M. Currie ’04 for writing his Oct. 8 column, “The Conscience of Cuba.”

As a college professor and a human rights activist who has worked on behalf of Cuban political prisoners, I deeply appreciate Currie’s interest in the incredibly tragic and inhumane situation these noble people suffer, and I honor his compassion for writing an article which brings the plight of peace-loving people like Juan Carlos Gonzalez Leiva and Marta Beatriz Roque to the attention of your readership. His article brings inspiration to Cuban political prisoners and the people of Cuba in general.

My sincere hope is that your readers will be inspired to learn more, become active, and speak out about the situation of the Cuban people who continue to endure incredible injustices which have taken place for over four decades under the totalitarian dictatorship under Fidel Castro.

Tanya S. Wilder


Marietta, Ohio

Oct. 9, 2003

The writer is an associate professor of Spanish at Wasshington State Community College and a member of the Coalition of Cuban American Women.
