
Harvard Book Store Throws Itself 70th Birthday Party

Crimson/sarah P. Law

Harvard Book Store owner FRANK KRAMER speaks at a 70th anniversary party for his Mass. Ave. store on Friday night, which kicked off a year-long celebration. Please see story, page 3.

Harvard Book Store kicked off a yearlong celebration of its 70th anniversary with a party at its storied Mass. Ave. location Friday night.

About 150 people stopped into the store to enjoy baked goods and live music during the two-hour celebration.

Owner Frank Kramer, clad in a tuxedo, said the event represented the spirit of the store: the cooperation of staff and owners to create an environment that appeals to the customer.

Friday’s celebration—thought up by store employees—featured the sale of greeting cards designed by 10 members of the 40-person staff, which includes all types of artists from painters to poets.

Megan A. Sullivan, who has worked for the store for three years, said the staff’s close-knit community creates a friendly environment that is different from that at chain stores.


“We are like one big family,” Sullivan said.

Alisha M. Fernandez ’04 said her job at the book store is more fulfilling than other campus jobs.

“I could be working at a library job and get my work done, but it’s definitely the people that keep me here,” Fernandez said.

Kramer, who has owned the store since his father’s death in 1962, said he is pleased with the way the staff has shared his vision of the way the store should be.

“It is exactly what I have always wanted,” Kramer said. “The staff is personable and in touch with the people.”

“I am here practically every day,” said customer Richard B. Griffin ’51. “It is a very distinctive place, my favorite book store in the world.”

Friday’s celebration included a raffle for several signed first editions from Random House Publishing and gift certificates from the Panini bakery.

Among the freebies for all attendants were free samples from Toscanini’s, Tealuxe and Bartley’s Burger Cottage.

“Local businesses really came through for us by donating all sorts of food and prizes,” said employee Steve C. Tyler.

Publisher’s Weekly magazine named Harvard Book Store “Bookseller of the Year” last month. The establishment was chosen as the best out of 25 nominees for, among other criteria, its “clarity in mission and vision; expertise in buying for its target markets; innovation; successful events; and business efficiency,” according to

—Staff writer Maria S. Pedroza can be reached at
