
New BGLTSA Leaders Aim To Raise Group's Visibility

The Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) voted for three key positions on its 2002-03 board late Monday, and members say they expect their new leadership to make the group a more visible political force on campus.

Stephanie M. Skier ’05 and Michael B. Murphy ’03 were elected co-chairs in a four-way race for the two spots. Timothy S. Caito ’04 was elected community chair in an uncontested election, and Andrew C. Karas ’05 was elected treasurer.

Outgoing Co-Chair Fred O. Smith ’04 said he was excited about the future of the organization, and that he saw the BGLTSA becoming more vocal under its new leadership. He also described the newly elected board members as “enthusiastic and radical.”

The BGLTSA made news last month when it announced that it would hold a “kiss-in” outside the Science Center, where queer couples would kiss publicly to raise sexuality awareness.

Many group members said that such a public display would be too controversial, and the kiss-in was eventually cancelled due to internal dissension and “logistical reasons.”


But Skier, the group’s outgoing treasurer, said she feels that the kiss-in is “an effective strategy to increase awareness” and that she may organize one in the future.

As for its other activities, the group recently took part in a National Day of Silence program as part of its “Gaypril” celebrations. It also held a dance called “Playboy, Playgirl.”

Skier, who is also a Crimson editor, said she felt the BGLTSA’s social events were successful last year but that the group’s organization and communication could have been better.

Skier said she will try to continue holding dances and community meetings next year, while increasing the number of panel discussions that the group sponsors.

A recent change in the groups’ constitution has been the elimination of the post of vice-chair—a position which members said had no real function—and the addition of a community chair to oversee community service and outreach projects.

—Staff writer Ravi P. Agrawal can be reached at
