To the editors:
The assertion by Joyce K. McIntyre ’02 that the Harvard Lovers of the Garden State (HLOGS) is a personal interest group and consequently undeserving of University funding is wholly inaccurate. While McIntyre may feel that our organization does not make a valuable contribution to the Harvard community, we have nearly 100 members, and a constituency of several hundred who feel otherwise.
Her claim that a deeper understanding of Jerseyan culture would not benefit the Harvard community merely validates our club mission—this is the sort of ignorance we aim to combat. Just like any other cultural or ethnic organization, we simply want the community at large to gain a deeper appreciation of Jerseyan culture, as well as offer Harvard Jerseyans a chance to meet and help each other adapt to life outside the Garden State.
While it is true that we do not have an academic focus, we are no different in that regard from hundreds of other university-supported student organizations such as sports teams, House Commitees and religious organizations. The fact that we were singled out for criticism smacks of discrimination, and demonstrates why we are needed.
Michael B. Jobbins ’04
April 3, 2002
The writer is president of Harvard Lovers of the Garden State.
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