
Police Log

March 10:

1:34 a.m.—A Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) officer was dispatched to quiet a loud party in Quincy House.

10:57 p.m.—An officer took a report of a burglary at Haskins Hall.

March 11:

9:29 a.m.—Upon receiving reports of an “unwanted guest” at Langdell Hall, a HUPD officer issued the individual a trespass warning and escorted the individual off of the property.


11:47 a.m.—An officer took a report of a bicycle stolen from Lowell House.

March 12:

12:42 a.m.—After receiving noise complaints, HUPD dispatched an officer to Mather House to investigate a loud party. The resident agreed to lower the volume of the music.

11:27 a.m.—After conducting a field interview with an individual sleeping on the floor of Harkness Commons, a HUPD officer issued a trespass warning and removed the individual from the property.

6:03 p.m.—An officer filed a report of harassment at Adams House.

March 13:

2:15 p.m.—An officer took a report of a stolen laptop computer at Greenough Hall.

2:42 p.m.—An officer was sent to Langdell Library to investigate multiple theft reports. A search of the area failed to locate the suspect, who was described as a 35-year-old, 5 foot 4 inch, black female wearing a dark jacket and dark colored knit hat.

March 14:

2:26 p.m.—An officer conducted a field interview at 1350 Mass. Ave. with an individual consuming alcohol. The individual disposed of the alcohol.

10:23 p.m.—Officers quieted a loud party at Dudley House.

March 15:

9:41 a.m.—An officer took a report of stolen bicycle parts from Ludcke House at the Harvard Business School.

10:49 p.m.—An officer took a report of a laptop computer stolen from the Biology Labs.

4:20 p.m.—An officer took a report of a laptop stolen from the squash courts.

7:28 p.m.—An officer filed a report of past theft of a computer game from Adams House.

March 16:

2:30 a.m.—An officer checked on a suspicious person who appeared to be breaking into a motor vehicle at 12 Mt. Auburn St. A brief investigation revealed that the suspect was actually the owner of the car.

11:43 p.m.—Officers were dispatched to Longfellow Hall to search for a suspicious individual claiming to be a security guard “checking the offices.” The suspect is described as a 40-year-old 5 foot 7 inch white male, with brown hair and a thin face wearing a blue jacket, brown beret and gray shoes and carrying a blue backpack. Officers were unable to locate the suspect.

—Staff writer Jenifer L. Steinhardt can be reached at
