

Embattled Lecturer Exhibits Rare Humility

Letter to the Editors

To the editors:

I am writing to commend economics Lecturer Robert H. Neugeboren ’83 for his humility (News, “Econ. Lecturer Removed Amid Complaints,” Oct. 30). Regardless of his teaching abilities, Neugeboren is an example to every student and every professor because of his difficult recognition that “many of the criticisms [of the students]...were valid.” I am sure I am not the only one who has had a professor or a teaching fellow who brazenly stated at the beginning of the term that he or she knows what the CUE Guide says about his or her teaching and tells students to “just deal with it” because no changes in teaching style will be made. Neugeboren presents such a refreshing contrast in his earnest desire “to do a good job” for the students’ benefit, even if it may come at the price of his personal pride.

Humility! When Harvard may seem to be a place where both professors and students, at times myself included, rush to protect themselves from criticism and build the self up, humility may be a quality that we rarely think of valuing. But we should remember that while every person can claim pride, it is sincere humility that is the truly difficult thing to possess.

Nahye Hwang ’05

Oct. 30, 2002


