
Senior Class Committee Names Treasurer, Secretary

The Senior Class Committee selected two new officers last week, naming Lauren M. Jiggetts ’03 as secretary and Rudrabhishek Sahay ’03 as treasurer of the Class of 2003.

The committee is composed of the eight marshals elected by the class, a representative from each House, two gift co-chairs and now the newly chosen secretary and treasurer.

As secretary, Jiggetts will be in charge of compiling class reports and class updates, appointing reunion chairs and keeping the class in contact between reunion years, as well as submitting information on the class to Harvard Magazine.

“I’m really excited to keep in touch with people and to keep our class intact after graduation,” Jiggetts said. “I think it’s important for us to know what’s going on with each other’s lives, and it’s an important networking tool as well.”

Jiggetts currently serves as vice president of the H-Club, a student organization dedicated to promoting Harvard athletics.


“I think H-Club has shown me how important campus spirit and campus unity really are,” Jiggetts said, “and I hope to apply that to my role as secretary.”

As treasurer, Sahay, an economics concentrator who is also business manager of The Crimson, will be in charge of the finances for any events that take place after graduation, such as reunions, local area dinners and fundraising events.

“I really like to have a good time, and I want to bring that to this position,” Sahay said. “We’ve all shared so many good times and we should stay in touch.”
