
Tutor Remebers Slain King's Harvard Days

Tutor speaks Out about Nepal King's death


Crimson Staff Writer


During his year as a Harvard undergraduate, Narayan Shrestha was with the late king of Nepal--gunned down in his palace last Friday--so often that people mistook him for the king's bodyguard.

"Actually, he doesn't mind at all [that people were confused about his function] because he would have done anything to protect the king," says his son, Pankauz N. Shrestha.

In fact, Narayan Shrestha was crown prince Birendra Shah Dev's tutor. Today, following Shah Dev's murder, he suffers from a "huge emotional loss," according to his son.

Harvard--home to the late king and Narayan Shrestha in 1967--was a great learning opportunity for both the crown prince and his tutor, Shrestha says.

"It was one of the most fruitful years in both of our lives," he says. "Harvard taught us how to think. Because we were in the company of leading minds from around the world, it added a global dimension to our education."

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