
Hehir To Leave Div. School

The Rev. Dr. J. Bryan Hehir, the first Catholic leader of the Harvard Divinity School (HDS), announced June 13 that he will leave his position at Harvard in December.

He has been tapped to serve as president and C.E.O. of Catholic Charities USA, the largest private network of social service organizations in the United States.

“This is a time in the history of our nation and of our world when institutions that study religion—and, of course, religious institutions—can play a vital role in serving the human family,” Hehir said in a press release.


Hehir was traveling this week and unavailable for comment.

Catholic Charities chose Hehir in part because of his academic focus on international affairs and conflict resolution.

Hehir was chosen after a year-long search by Catholic Charities. Larry Blankenship, president of the board of directors of Catholic Charities USA said he could not remember whether Hehir approached the committee or whether he was suggested to them.

“He is recognized nationally as someone who has lived his life and has been committed to those who are less fortunate,” Blankenship said. “He is extremely intelligent, a good leader and a good advocate for those in need.”

A search committee chose Hehir out of a pool of more than eighty applicants.

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