
In The Mix: The Farewell Edition



“People say I’m the life of the party cause I tell a joke or two.”

So this is it, the last regular issue of Arts of the school year and thus the end of the self-indulgence that is this column. Or rather, the end of my self-indulgence, since In the Mix will continue to appear in your weekly edition of Crimson Arts, only with different writers. (It’s nice to have started what one hopes will be a regular part of this paper.) Time for me to graduate, which means time to lose this soapbox, so pardon me while I launch into nostalgic reverie. Yeah, I’m ending not with a bang but a whimper. May is the cruellest month.





“And anyone can tell, you think you know me well, but you don’t even know me.”

In the Mix started last March, as a means of making some musical points, commenting on goings-on in the world of popular music and introducing artists that deserve wider recognition. As such, I’ve tried to avoid focusing on myself throughout this column, choosing to write instead about music news, although I suppose one can never really escape talking about one’s life or biases. “You can’t hide from yourself,” as Teddy Pendergrass once sang. So I suppose it’s alright to write just one column that’s personal. Hey boys hey girls superstar DJs here we go...

At various points in the past few years, I wanted to be a regular editorial columnist, and make some points about the world at large. I wanted to be a fashion and style columnist, although goodness knows how that would’ve ended up. (Ah well, here’s my two cents’ worth—Botega Veneta: Cool but a bit too early-2001? Prague: So 1990s. My Philippe Starck lemon juicer: Eternal.) I guess I could’ve been a sports columnist, although knowledge of English soccer and Formula One racing probably wouldn’t cut it in a college newspaper. I even wanted to discuss punctuation and other matters of style, á là Fowler or Safire.

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”
