


PSLM Open to Talks

To the editors:

In its coverage of Monday’s living wage rally (News, “PSLM Rally Draws AFL-CIO President,” May 1), The Crimson reported that PSLM had “dismissed [Neil L.] Rudenstine’s offer [of a task force] as dishonest propaganda.”


The Progressive Student Labor Movement certainly has not refused to participate in this new task force or in any report the task force issues. Indeed, we have not been offered a position on the new task force, nor was it our understanding on Monday that the University intended to create a new task force to revisit the issue.

We are in fact quite eager to begin serious discussions between students, faculty, workers and administrators about a living wage, and have been publicly requesting such discussions since the sit-in began.

Anna Falicov ’02

May 1, 2001

The writer is a member of the Progressive Student Labor Movement.

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