
Middlebury Dean Named New Quincy Senior Tutor

Contributing Writer


Maria Trumpler, a dean at Middlebury College in Vermont, will take over as the new senior tutor of Quincy House this fall, College officials announced yesterday.

Trumpler, who fulfills a similar residential role in her current post, plans to teach in the History of Science department when she arrives this fall, although her courses have not yet been finalized.

“We are happy to welcome Maria Trumpler to Harvard and to life in Quincy House,” Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis `68 and Quincy House Master-to-be Robert P. Kirshner `70 wrote in an e-mail to House residents.

Trumpler said that she was extremely excited to coming to Quincy, which she called “beautiful.”

“A major attraction is the very social courtyard which is wonderful,” she said.

Although this is Trumpler’s first official connection with Harvard, she says settling in won’t be a problem. Her partner was a member of the Mather Senior Common Room last year, so she is already familiar with the atmosphere in Cambridge.

“I feel very much at home in the buildings and in Harvard Square,” she said.

She rates meeting students as top of her list of priorities in her new role.

“I really want to get to know students before there is a crisis or major issue and also, frankly, to have fun,” she said.

Senior Tutor John Gerry wrote in an e-mail message that interaction with Quincy’s students was one of the greatest benefits of his five years as senior tutor. But his advice to Trumpler is to “wear earplugs on Friday and Saturday nights if you hope to get any sleep.” After a nearly five-year period in Quincy that saw great changes in the House with the introduction of randomization, Gerry is moving on but will remain at Harvard as an assistant dean of the Faculty.

Trumpler’s arrival will mean that Quincy has an entirely new administration in the fall. Kirshner, an astronomy professor, takes over this fall as the new master, succeeding Professor Michael Shinagel.

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