
Saved By The Bell: Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Where are the Fans?

Those of you who were too busy protesting in Mass. Hall to take in yesterday's Red Rolfe Division showdown, take heart. The twinbill may have determined the division champion, but you protestors-and the thousands of other students who didn't show for some reason-didn't miss much.

The first was just an extra-inning classic that featured a gutsy complete-game from senior ace John Birtwell. The second was only a Ben Crockett no-hitter. Those happen all the time.

So I guess it shouldn't be surprising that nobody saw them.


Well, not quite nobody.

A decent number of Dartmouth students made the two-hour drive to Cambridge to support their squad after seeing Saturday's games in Hanover.

As for the Harvard section, let's just say that if you wanted to say hello to second baseman Faiz Shakir's parents, you didn't have to squeeze past too many people to do it. Several players' families were present in the stands-they were the few, the proud, the fifty-somethings. There were also a few scattered pockets of undergraduates.

And there was space. Lots of space.

But it was only the final home game of the year. What else could be expected?

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