
RUS Plans Women’s Sex Toy Event

The Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) will host a sex toy party next Tuesday for Harvard women, in an effort to emphasize women’s sexual independence.

RUS president Elizabeth C. Vogt ’02 said the party, which she recently called a tupperware party with sex toys in an e-mail message to RUS members, could give women a new way to “challenge patriarchal society.”

“If you know that you can satisfy your own sexual desire without relying on someone else, you can gain of lot of power in romantic relationships,” Vogt wrote in the e-mail.


The event will feature a representative of the Brookline sex boutique Grand Opening!, who will introduce various sex products to party attendees.

Vogt says there will be product displays rather than demonstrations, and that only women are asked to attend.

“It will be a chance to look at toys out of their boxes in a non-sleazy, supportive atmosphere,” Vogt wrote in an e-mail message to The Crimson.

The student group Girlspot, not RUS, has sponsored sex-toy events in the past at Harvard.

Girlspot co-chair Janet K. Hanseth ’00-’01 said that she has not had time to organize such an event this year, but that she feels it is a good event for a women’s group like RUS to sponsor.

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