
PSLM’s Campaign Uses New Tactics

PSLM’s occupation of Mass. Hall is the organization’s first foray into a new breed of radical activism—a newer, sleeker, more media-savvy form of protest first seen in Seattle and Washington, D.C.

In the weeks of preparation leading up to Wednesday’s occupation, PSLM members met with lawyers and prepared briefing books on University administrators and what to do in case of arrest.

PSLM members scoffed at the “inadequate” preparations made by students at Tufts who occupied a building there last fall, saying that a lack of forethought led to the quick cessation of that sit-in.


So when PSLM stormed Mass. Hall on Wednesday, they came prepared to get their story out, with video cameras, digital cameras, laptops, and cell phones-complete with chargers to ensure continued communication.

From the first hour of the occupation, PSLM spokespeople have been contacting media outlets using prepared contact lists.

Protesters outside stood ready with 18-page press packets summarizing the group’s demands and a timeline of the Living Wage Campaign on campus.

By yesterday afternoon, protesters inside the building had rigged up two laptops with Internet access to help spread their demands. PSLM members uploaded digital pictures and video to independent media websites. Similarly, protesters have been in constant contact with similar organizations at other universities-helping to facilitate a solidarity protest at Yale.

Sitting amid half-opened peanut butter jars and piles of bread, the protesters continually pitched their stories to anyone and everyone.

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