

Et Tu, Kozmo?

Coffee ice cream and goldfish crackers. Past midnight.

Two Fresh Samanthas and a Wrap burrito. During a snowstorm.

That Bunuel film for your Spanish class. With subtitles.


A new DVD player and headset. If you really so desired.

All of the above. Delivered on a bike. At virtually any hour of the day. For virtually no fee.

It was Kozmo. It was wonderful. And as of last Wednesday it’s gone.

Widespread grief and feelings of betrayal have overcome the student body since the company closed its virtual doors, abruptly shutting down its website, cutting of its phone lines and firing its employees without so much as a warning to the thousands of loyal customers who relied on Kozmo for convenience, comfort and late night chocolate fixes.

A blockmate of mine, responded to the news with a one line, panic-stricken e-mail. Subject: “The end of the world as we know it.” Content: “ has closed its doors!”


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