
W. Tennis Splits Weekend

The Harvard women's tennis team split the weekend, falling 6-1 to a red-hot Penn squad and then dropping Princeton, 5-2, on Saturday.

After the Crimson's disappointing loss on Friday, it immediately tore into the Tigers. Sophomore Sanja Bajin teamed up with co-captain Sanaz Ghazal at No. 1 doubles to defeat Gailor Large and Avanti Bhargava 8-3. Crimson juniors Andrea Magyera and Fleur Broughton then took out Kristi Watson and Meleya McCoy8-1 at the No. 2 spot to win the doubles point.

The singles matches were short on drama, but that was the way Harvard wanted it. Bajin, playing at the top spot, snuck by Large 7-5, 6-3.


At the No. 3 spot Broughton defeated Priya Bhupathi 6-2, 6-2, and the Crimson clinched the match with wins by sophomore Lara Naqushbandi and junior Jennie Timoney at the Nos. 4 and 5 spot.

Only two Princeton players pulled out victories-Watson defeated Ghazal at No. 2 6-3, 6-3, and Jackie Arcorio defeated sophomore Olivia Garcia-McKean in straight sets at the No. 6 spot, 6-4, 6-0.

On Friday, Penn came to the Beren Tennis Center riding a seven-match winning streak, including a perfect Ivy record. Harvard had a perfect Ivy record to match with wins over Cornell and Columbia the week before.

In addition, Penn had not beaten the Crimson since April of 1980.

The excitement began almost immediately. First, the Quakers duo of Shubha Srinivasan and Louani Bascara defeated Naqushbandi and junior Sarah McGinty 8-3 at No. 3 doubles, but the Crimson struck back at No. 2 when Magyera and Broughton won 8-5.

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