
Kennedy Encourages Public Service

A high-caliber panel of public servants and journalists encouraged an Institute of Politics (IOP) audience yesterday afternoon to get more involved with politics and community service.

The talk, "Reflections on Public Service," featured Sen. Edward M. Kennedy `54 (D-Mass.), television commentator and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, former Sen. Warren B. Rudman `54 (R-N.H.) and former Congressman Philip R. Sharp (D-Ind.).

The discussion was moderated by Gwen Ifill, an anchor on PBS' "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer."


Kennedy especially exhorted young people to follow a life in public service, citing successful activism in past eras such as the 1960s.

At that time, Kennedy said, "Young people were the ones who made the most extraordinary difference in our country."

Kennedy said he believes the same spirit is still alive.

"We see it every time a civil rights issue comes in front of the Senate," he said.

Rudman agreed with Kennedy, but expressed concern over the level of political involvement by today's young people.

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