100 Years ago
The communication which we print this morning shows the feeling that exists in the University towards such outages as the blowing up of the Yard pump. If the disapproval of the undergraduate body could be given as wide publicity as the act which aroused it, much of the harm done to the best interests of the University would be remedied. But in actual experience this has rarely been possible. The act of one thoughtless individual invariably creates a prejudice against the whole University of which he is a member, and, in the case of those newspaper readers who are unfamiliar with the real spirit of the University, these prejudices are likely to be strong. It is this fact that makes most serious the offenses which have recently been committed here.
--March 2, 1901
Hasty Pudding Club Theatrical to be Given this Spring
The Hasty Pudding Club play this year will be a burlesque in three acts, called "The Dynamiters"...
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