

Clinton's Rich Legacy

Former president Bill Clinton never ceases to amaze me. Poised to leave office with one of the highest approval ratings in history, it looked like the ultimate "survivor" had done it again. After presiding over eight years of the greatest peacetime prosperity in our nation's history, it looked like his place in the history books was assured. However, in the eleventh hour of his presidency, Clinton took a jackhammer to his prized legacy and chiseled it to pieces.

I am not referring to petty practical jokes, overpriced office space and silverware theft. By pardoning the greatest tax evader in U.S. history, literally bartering justice for campaign cash, Clinton capped off eight years of scandal with his most foul offense to date.

In his last day in office, Clinton gave legal immunity to fugitive billionaire Marc Rich. Rich, who has been living on the lam in Switzerland for the past 17 years, had been wanted by the FBI on 51 counts of tax evasion and "trading with the enemy" in what was deemed the biggest tax swindle in U.S. history, valued at over $48 million. Ever since, he has been living a rather comfortable life in his multi-million-dollar waterfront villa in Switzerland--where he was free from extradition.


What could possibly be Clinton's justification for pardoning a man who hasn't even stood trial in the United States and has renounced his U.S. citizenship?

One answer lies in Rich's ex-wife Denise, Democratic socialite and party fundraiser. In the past year alone, she has donated over $1.5 million to the Clintons and the Democratic Party, including $450,000 to the Clinton library, $70,000 to Hillary's senate campaign, $10,000 to the Clinton legal defense fund and $7,375 worth of furniture.

In addition, the entire deal was brokered by Rich lawyer Jack Quinn, who just so happened to be Clinton's former legal counsel. There had been rumors that Quinn would have been chief of staff in an administration headed by former vice president Al Gore '69.

The White House also conveniently forgot to send the pardon petition that Quinn filed to the Justice Department, as per normal procedure, for reasons that have never been adequately explained. A furious U.S. Attorney, Mary Jo White, said her office had been "bypassed" by the Clinton White House. "We were totally unaware that pardons for Marc Rich were even under consideration," she said.

Put plainly, Rich appears to have purchased his presidential pardon. Even more disturbing, he bought his freedom with money made betraying our country. As outraged Representative Chris Cox (R-Calif.) said on the house floor, "Mr. Rich traded with Libya when we had the embargo, he traded with Iran when we had U.S. hostages being held captive, and he traded with Iraq during the 12 years when we had our conflict." The ultimate backscratcher set free the ultimate traitor.

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