

To Our Readers

On Thursday, March 15, The Crimson published an article entitled "The Invasian" in the endpaper section of its weekend magazine, Fifteen Minutes. That article should not have run in the form in which it appeared. An article could have been written about minority self-segregation at Harvard that was thoughtful and provocative. This was not that piece.

The Crimson does not shy away from publishing material that is controversial or that some may find offensive. The position taken by Fong regarding self-segregation was a legitimate one. However, The Crimson has standards of argument that it applies to any opinion piece. In making unsupported generalizations, this piece did not meet those standards. Furthermore, while the standards do not change depending on the position taken in an opinion piece, The Crimson should have been more rigorous in their application on an issue known to be sensitive.

The Crimson apologizes for publishing a piece that did not adhere to its standards.


--C. Matthew MacInnis '02, President of The Crimson

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