


Mistaken Review

I write to point out a factual error in The Crimson's review of the Hasty Pudding's show "Fangs for the Memories" (Arts, Feb. 26). The review states that towards the end of the show a group of "middle-eastern terrorists" arrives onstage to perform a dance. While I was not involved in the production of the show, the typically Russian dancing accompanied by typically Russian music suggested to me, at least, that the characters were meant to be none other than Russian dancers, and not middle-eastern terrorists.

Perhaps the HPT team should have had the foresight to add a large bear perched on an onion dome and holding a sign "THIS IS RUSSIA" to drive the point home to its less-enlightened viewers. Moreover, the link The Crimson draws between "middle-eastern" and "terrorists" is--in the absence of bombs, violence or anything other than innocent dancing--nothing short of racist.


Ziad Obermeyer '01

Feb. 28, 2001

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