
Protesting Ad, Brown Students Seize Papers

Daily Herald criticized for printing ad that opposes slavery reparations

A coalition of Brown University student protesters removed all copies of the Brown Daily Herald from campus distribution points last Friday in protest against the paper's publication of an ad by David Horowitz.

The ad, entitled, "Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Slavery Is a Bad Idea--and Racist Too," was submitted to several newspapers across the country.

The outraged coalition of Brown students demanded that the Herald donate the money received for the ad to "Third World," or minority, organizations on campus, and to give the protestors advertising space.


But when the Herald refused to meet the coalition's demands, the students removed the papers from campus distribution sites.

Jahred Adelman, executive editor of the Herald, countered earlier news reports of violence on the part of the coalition.

According to Adelman, nearly 40 students entered the Herald's lobby on Wednesday night to press their demands. They were asked to return for a meeting the next evening.

But rather than the expected contingent of student leaders, 50 to 60 students came on Thursday to voice their request.

"We were threatened indirectly that if we did not do something by next week, our paper would not be read," Adelman said.

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