
Undefeated W. Water Polo Edges Brown, 6-5

Defense may win championships, but apparently it also wins water polo games.

The Harvard women's water polo team remained undefeated by pulling out a 6-5 victory last night against Brown University, relying primarily on its most solid defensive outing of the season.

If playing another Ivy League squad in its home pool in front of what freshman Liz Anderson described as a "rowdy crowd" did not provide the Crimson (5-0) sufficient motivation, Brown's status as one of Harvard's strongest competitors certainly inspired the Crimson to be ready to play.


Unfortunately for the Crimson, however, it had begun training later than most other teams and thus had significantly fewer games under its belt heading into the contest. As a result, Harvard found itself initially unable to cope with the team speed, quick reactions, and anticipation of the Bears (9-5) and gave up two counter-attack, breakaway goals before the first quarter came to a close.

Taking advantage of the break between periods to regroup and settle themselves, the Harvard players did not need much of the second quarter to eliminate Brown's lead. An lob from the outside by sophomore Tiana Peterson put the Crimson on the scoreboard. Shortly thereafter, Leah Kaminski fired a bullet from the perimeter into the top corner of the net to even the game.

After a Brown tally pushed the Bears ahead again, captain Jesse Gunderson brought the Crimson roaring back with two gritty goals. Brown was clearly worried about Gunderson, who was setting hole, as it employed a defense in which its perimeter players would drop down to double team her. As a result, it was difficult for the Harvard players to get her the ball. Frequently, they simply resorted to shooting from the perimeter. When they did incorporate Gunderson into the offense, however, results followed.

Unable to use finesse to beat her defenders, Gunderson twice just "stuffed [the ball] into the goal," according to her co-captain Natasha Magnuson. In doing so, Magnuson added, "she made a play where one didn't previously exist."

Following Gunderson's goals, Brown was able to tie the score at four, but early in the third quarter, Peterson "just drove in and, out of nowhere, got up and scored," Magnuson said.

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