


Pick on Someone Your Own Size

To the editors:

I am responding to your editorial entitled, "Depravity, Again, in New Haven" (Jan. 31). I believe that your point, that the production of a Yale pornographic movie shows bad judgment, is a valid one.


I was not thrilled that The New York Times wrote an article about it, and that now at the mention of Yale the world might think of pornography in addition to the finest undergraduate education in America.

However, your editorial was so pretentious it lost any credibility it might have had. Your Yale and New Haven bashing seemed extremely immature coming from such a luminary publication. Indeed, your comments on New Haven were extremely low. Maybe it would be wise for more Cantabs to leave their ivory tower for four years in between Exeter and Goldman Sachs. I believe you should heed the words of Harvard alumnus Al Gore '69 when he implores Americans to help the downtrodden, and not mock them as you did.

As for your snide remark on the "the insecure exhibitionism of drunken Elis," I would have very much liked more drunken fun at Harvard this past November, but both of the parties on campus were so crowded, I could barely move.

I'm not doubting that you saw this "insecure exhibitionism," even though I did not; after all, losing three straight Games can mess with your head.

Daniel G. Kilpatrick

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