

Antiabortion Activists Have Noble Principles


To the editors:

The article by Anat Maytal ’05 (Opinion, “Terrorist Attacks on Abortion” Nov. 21) decrying violence perpetrated by anti-abortion activists concludes with the following statement: “Let’s not treat our women like the Taliban treats theirs.”

One can only suppose that in the frenzied business of journalism the Taliban has become the embodiment of all things evil, and everything we deplore must be compared to them. However, the author draws a poor analogy.

The methods of “pro-life extremists” have certainly strayed into the unsavory by a few in their ranks. Still, one should keep in mind that the goal of these “pro-life extremists” is nothing more than to remove abortion as an option available to pregnant women. They still believe that women should be able to determine how often and with whom they have sex, and whether to use other forms of birth control. The Taliban restrict all these rights of women, and many more.

Pro-life activists are convinced that abortion is murder and thus act to prevent abortion. Their activism is equally as noble as those who oppose the death penalty. The author’s personal disagreements with other people’s convictions does not entitle her to label that person an “extremist.” Perhaps after four years at Harvard she will realize that.


Joseph Lucas ’00

Philadelphia, Penn.

Nov. 21, 2001

