

Miscontrued Motive

To the editors:

Re: “Don’t Play Politics” (Letters, Oct. 1):

The Crimson’s original article on the Rally for Patriotism (News, “Student Rally for Patriotism Draws Few,” Sept. 26) misconstrued the Harvard College Democrats’ reasons for not co-sponsoring it. The College Democrats had already chosen not to endorse the Rally for Peace and Justice, and we therefore chose to remain neutral for the patriotism rally as well.

We support patriotism to the extent that it illustrates a love for one’s country. The manner in which the Rally for Patriotism was proposed to me by those organizing it implied that the rally was held to counteract the earlier peace rally and had no purpose other than to say that the peace rally was wrong.

The College Democrats support both patriotism and peace. Many people on campus seem to believe that both cannot coexist—yet one can love one’s country and hope for peace as well.


In regard to my statement about President George W. Bush acting like Captain America (News, “Students Back Repsonse,” Sept. 24): a president should console and support the U.S. during a time of tragedy. He should not be instilling fear in his people and crying war every time he is on the air. It’s called common sense, but currently everyone’s minds are clouded with thoughts of revenge so that any sense is out of the question.

Marcie B. Bianco ’02

Oct. 3, 2001

The writer is president of the Harvard College Democrats.

