

Band Plays Important Community Role

To the editors:

Re: Sports 10/18/01. We would like to thank Eli M. Alper for writing last Thursday’s column about the Harvard Band. This weekend we received more complimentary words than in any weekend before, all from students, alumni and fans who vehemently disagreed with Alper’s overall assessment of the Band. The Band is not blissfully unaware of its shortcomings, as Alper seems to suggest; quite the contrary is true. At the same time, we feel that our lively support of football, hockey and basketball (whether they’re winning or losing, whether it is early or late in the season, whether it is warm or cold outside) merits a modicum of recognition.

We do take seriously our role in supporting these teams; we invite all of our fellow students to join us in creating a spirited atmosphere at games.

Alisha H. Creel’02


John P. Morris IV ’02

Jennifer M. Doxtader ’02

Nathan P. Meyer ’02

Oct. 21, 2001

The writers are executives of the Harvard Band.

