

Feminists Still Active

To the editors:

Re: “The Farce of Feminism” (Editorial, Oct. 16, 2001), I do not doubt the anti-feminist passion that Rebecca E. Rubins ’05 used to fuel her Editor’s Notebook, but I have the distinct feeling she will be singing a different tune when she enters the working world.

One look at the National Organization of Women’s (NOW) website ( could tell her that more than simply “creating support groups for one another,” today’s feminists are devoted to a range of causes that she conveniently forgot to mention in her article. These include equal pay for equal work (even today, a woman earns just 75 cents for every dollar earned by her male counterpart), a workplace free of sexual harassment, accessible birth control under insurance plans and full protection of women’s rights under Roe vs. Wade. In addition, NOW has set up relief funds for Afghan women and continue international programs to aid oppressed women so that women worldwide can share in the success American feminists have won in the last century.


