


Harvard Should Stop Suing Other 'Harvards'

To the editors:

I just finished reviewing your article about pending litigation against (News, Oct. 11).


Harvard should get over it. The name "Harvard" is not patented, nor can it be considered exclusive in global terms. And any copyrights or registered trademarks on the "Harvard" name will only be applicable to the name as it was filed when it received such protections.

So, what's next? Is Harvard University going to sue every person in the world with the surname "Harvard" so as to prevent them from someday starting their own "Harvard School for the..."?

Be realistic. Harvard University is globally understood to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Why is it now going to stoop to such petty and frivolous litigation just to prevent the use of the name "Harvard" by anyone else?

Eric L. Phillips

Kissimmee, Fla.

Jan. 21, 2001

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